ASHA mandate stands for facilitating the empowerment building process of the deprived, excluded, vulnerable children, adolescents, youth, women, tribals, SC, rural poor and marginalized families by strengthening their CBOs, rolling out appropriate community based mother & child health, nutrition, ARSH, SWASH, ECCD, primary education, child protect, schools safety, NRM, livelihood/food security/skill building with leadership and capacity development so that the impact groups could be capable to emerge in an organized and coordinated way to accelerate their sustainable development process by addressing the core issues concerning and affecting them through right based approach, convergence process, and mainstreaming themselves for their best interest.
In order to perform assignments and concerned program/project activities independently, qualitative and successfully within the time frame without any ambiguity our Job Description prescribes clearly and separately for each of the staff and of Chief Executive Office, Project manager, Director, Finance Officer/Accountant, Sponsor Coordination, ASRC, Document Officer, Training Coordinator, Project Coordinators- Health, Education, Livelihood, Community Mobiliser/Supervisor, Animators, Balwadi Workers, Superintendent, Counselor, rehabilitation Officer, Data Entry Officer, Care Takers and Driver.
• To strengthen grass root CBOs and develop capacity of the targeted people in rural and tribal areas to play an active role in policy, planning, implementation, social audit and participatory decision making to restore good governance to ensure their livelihood entitlements and other rights.
• To improve maternal & child health, nutrition and sanitation & community primary health care for better health.
• To encourage the marginalized children and adolescents to access quality education, life skill promotion and fuller development of their potential through right based and integrated approach.
• To promote and support sustainable livelihood initiatives which ensure livelihood
and right to food entitlements.
• To initiate appropriate actions on gender disparity, injustice and inequality
especially among women and girl child.
• To support for perspective building and capacity enhancement of concerned communities and CBOs and generate critical awareness among the targeted communities.
• To work together with Government, PRI, other NGOs and other institutions in a convergence way in order to properly implement government schemes/projects and reach the benefits to unreached people and communities.
• Based on human value of compassion, caring, sharing, mutual respect where children, women, youth and poor people live with dignity, happiness, freedom, security, harmony, love & truth for their growth and autonomy.
• Valuing the principle of social justice, and empowerment of youth, women, and child with efficiency, efficacy and long term sustainability.
• Believe in the power of committed youth individuals and organization who want to contribute to a sustainable development.
• We are pro-poor. We are inclusive, impartial and non-discriminatory. We work in partnership with others to achieve results.
• We respect fundamental human rights and listen to the people we work with.
• We value objectivity, integrity, professionalism and openness.
• We value transparency and accountability.
• We esteem entrepreneurship and innovation.
• We share all knowledge about the work we do.
• Working with efficiency, efficacy and long term sustainability.
• Valuing the principle of social justice, and empowerment of youth, women, and child.